Using consul watch and git diff to track key value changes

In the previous post I introduced how consul is a simple, distributed and fault tolerant system for service discovery and configuration management.

Now, a common need is how do we track if someone has changed a key value or added or deleted a key? Solution is consul watch command. We can use consul watch for registering a handler which gets called whenever there is a key-value change. Its format is:

$ consul watch -http-addr consul.service.local:8500 -type keyprefix -prefix global /usr/local/bin/

But there is a problem - everytime there is a change in a key value e.g. key global/redis/cacheA is changed from to then consul watch handler gets invoked with latest values only i.e.

We felt that there is a need to know the change in full context i.e. old_value and new_value. After some searching and not finding a solution we devised a method (rather novel I’d say but I am blinded by bias) by using git - the most awesome change control system - in local mode (no remote set).

Idea is simple.

Following steps are to be done as part of the initial setup:

$ git init
$ consul watch -http-addr consul.service.local:8500 -type keyprefix -prefix global > kvs.txt
$ git add kvs.txt 
$ git commit -m "Update kvs.txt"

Once the above setup is done - run the consul watch in daemon mode (via upstart preferably):

$ consul watch -http-addr consul.service.local:8500 -type keyprefix -prefix global /usr/local/bin/

This ensures that when there is a change in any of the key values under the specified prefixed keys then it will trigger the execution of This script does following on each such trigger:

$ consul watch -http-addr consul.service.local:8500 -type keyprefix -prefix global > kvs.txt

If empty (no change) then don’t do anything else trigger your alert mechanism with the output of git diff command (e.g. mail, slack, mattermost etc.)

$ git add kvs.txt 
$ git commit -m "Update kvs.txt"

Note: You will need to do a bit more actually than just git diff since the diff command gives values in base64 encoding. To convert that into readable values you will need to use base64 utility and some play with sed, awk etc. Following is some code which can be handy:

OLD=`git diff | sed -e 's/\"//g' | grep Value | awk -F'Value:'  '{print $2}' | awk -F, '{print $1}' | awk '{print $1}' | head -1 | base64 -d | sed -e 's/^/>/g' | sed -e 's/$/\\n/g'` 
NEW=`git diff | sed -e 's/\"//g' | grep Value | awk -F'Value:'  '{print $2}' | awk -F, '{print $1}' | awk '{print $1}' | sed '2q;d' | base64 -d | sed -e 's/^/>/g' | sed -e 's/$/\\n/g'`

This is a screenshot of the change alert in our slack:

Slack consul change alert screenshot


In addition to providing the full context of change, this solution is also useful in keeping a local versioned history and is helpful in reverting to older values easily by using git revert or git reset ... commands.

Credit to use of git for this goes to @kernelhacker.

I don’t yet know if there is any other builtin technique in consul-watch to achieve the same thing. If you know please drop a tweet at @awmanoj. TIA.